Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy Anniversary to ME!

Today, my husband Jim and I are celebrating our one year anniversary. Per usual, Jim demonstrates how well he knows me by placing this among my gifts:

Amigurumi Knits
Amigurumi Knits by Hansi Singh
The funny thing is that a couple days ago, I was thinking about how there is so much crochet amigurumi, but not nearly as much knitted ones. I wouldn't have thought much about buying this book, until and I flipped through it and thought, "Why not?" After all, I've yet to attempt anything beyond scarves with knitting. Maybe this book will help me knit myself out of this self-inflicted rut!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Creative Virgo: An Oxymoron if I Ever Heard One.

It's nice--albeit weird--to have my old "Chaotic Spring" blog back at Blogger. Whereas before it was a personal blog, I've decided that it's now going to be more of a creative place, as I have my personal blog at And by "creative," I mostly mean crocheting and knitting, but I want to leave room for drawing, should I decide to ever go back to it, or sewing, should I ever decide to actually learn it.

Why another blog? After all, I do sometimes post crafting pictures on my main blog. Besides the fact that the Virgo in me likes to compartmentalize my interests, sometimes, I want to go into details about what I've learned or a trick I picked up. However, some of my non-crafting friends (and my non-crafting husband) read that blog, and I know crafting tips would bore them to tears, so I never post them.

So, this blog would be the place that might be of more interest to, say, the people I know on Ravelry. Some things to know that could be/will probably be relevant to this blog:

  • I am left-handed. This means that my crochet projects will look backwards.
  • I err on the side of geeky. Some my projects will probably reflect that.
  • I'm also practical. This means I tend to make more useful stuff than geeky stuff. Still--be prepared for some geeky stuff.
  • I taught myself how to crochet and knit. I don't know if this will affect anything, really, but just to put it out there, I was not taught by my grandmother, so I don't have age-old advice to pass down. Sorry.
I also have a lot of other hobbies, so posts will probably be sporatic. You've been forewarned.